2016-11-18 09:50:32
Founded in 2013, Isuzu is a joint venture company with a focus on manufacturing its latest type of pickup and SUV. Given the limited roof load bearing capacity, relatively low cooling capacity and airflow supply, the design proposal with Insusox pre-insulated fabric duct and DurkeeSox air duct was approved by the Owner to obtain secondary air supply. The first air supply system (air delivery duct) is installed at the height of 7-9m, connecting with secondary air supply system (air
dispersion duct) at 2-3 meter right above the post line via vertical duct. Orifices are designed along the exact location of working post to throw limited cooling airflow towards the posts, fully demonstrating its superiorities of energy conservation, comfortable and even air dispersion, visual pleasing, low requirement of roof loading capacity and etc.